She stepped out of the door. Her face stung as the cold air smacked it. But it was a relief to be out. She started walking. She didn’t know where to. She just walked as if in a trance, but with a purpose to get away. At the Railway Station, she bought a ticket to the end of the line. It was a single. She wasn’t coming back. At each stop, the train emptied more people. Nobody boarded. By the last stop, she was the only one left in the carriage.
She sat still for a few moments, gathering her thoughts, if
only she had any to gather. Leaving the train, she walked along the desolate
platform. The street outside was empty. A little way along was a sign directing
her to the sea. She followed it.

She found a wide empty beach. The tide was out, revealing
mud beyond the sand. Stuck in the mud, was a small boat. It was tilted to one
side with no water to keep it upright. Sad until the tide returned the sea to
rescue it.
Who would rescue her, she wondered.
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