Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Whine, Whine, Whine...

Whine, whine, whine. That’s all she ever does. This is wrong. That is wrong. The weather’s too hot. Why did you put that there? It never used to be like that. She used smile and laugh. How did that change? Babies. Babies changed her. Or rather, they didn’t. She was desperate for a child. We tried and we tried and nothing happened. All our friends started to produce. She cried. Why can’t we? What did we do wrong? “Relax” said the GP. “Give it time. You’re trying too hard. It’ll happen.” But it didn’t.

Finally she fell pregnant. At ten weeks, she lost it. She wailed. Tests. IVF. The first two cycles failed. The third one took and at ten weeks, we still had our baby. And at eleven weeks. At eleven and a half there was bleeding. Was this the end?

Whine, whine, whine. That’s all she’s done today. But the voice is a different one now. “Why?” “Why can’t I have it?” “I want it. I want it now!”

We crash on the sofa, exhausted. It’s the end of the day. Peace at last. She’s asleep. Was the trauma and heartache worth it? Of course it was.

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